Fill The Void

Last year, I was invited on to this fascinating writing project: FILL THE VOID — a collaboration of sixteen authors on a single storyline. Each author was randomly assigned a chapter to write in this novel. Undertaking this ambitious project was Dawn Shea, Editor and Owner of D&T Publishing. My chapter, "Chapter 2 — Lonnie," was written with some of my old high school classmates in mind. I have enjoyed working with this group of writers and reading the twists and turns that the story has taken over the last few months. AND my inclusion in this collaboration satisfies my 2021 goal to have a dozen pieces published independently (not counting Sisyphus Pubs or poetry publications). I encourage readers to pick it up (anticipated release date September, 2021)!

Fill the Void, Cover art by Don Noble

The end of times. Does it come as a whisper or a bang? Between these pages, sixteen authors put together a story of Armageddon. Each chapter written by a different author with varying views. Find out how the world ends for these authors…..or does it?
Authors included:
Lyndsey Ellis Holloway
Michael Picco
Tara Losacano
Cara Bryant
Dakota Caldwell
Mark Young
Michael Payne
Ben Revermann
David Green
Steve Thompson
Bert Edens
Jeff Parsons
Gary McDonough
M. Ennenbach
Trisha McKee
Dawn Shea


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